What is the value of a Human life?



A 2011 New York Times article states that the U.S. government has been grappling with a difficult question: what is the value of a human life? Or to be more precise, these government agencies are trying to find what's called "the statistical value of life." Their answer will influence how much we as a society (especially businesses) should spend to prevent a single death. In 2004, the U.S. government's Office of Management and Budget told agencies that they should pick a number between $1 million and $10 million, although it also warned that any figure under $5 million would be too low.

So far, the following government agencies have offered their price tags on the worth of one human life:

Ø      The Environmental Protection Agency set the value of a life at $9.1 million;


Ø      The Food and Drug Administration declared that a life is worth $7.9 million (up from the $5 million of 2008


Ø      The Transportation Department has determined that one life is worth $6 million.




So, what do think is the value of a human life?

Please write a Paragraph explaining your view